Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Strauss-Kahn Case; "Day is Done, Gone the Sun, From the East, From the West, From the Sky, All is Well, Safely Rest.....Prosecution Done!

DSK, will be free to travel anywhere he wants, do anything he wants, stay in any hotel he wants and inter-(course) act with any hotel maid he wants in just a matter of days. It's all over but the crying ! Yesterday, the DA's office filed a 25 page motion detailing why the indictment should be dismissed with prejudice. It really boils down to one , simple, glaring reality ; No one trusts, believes, respects or has confidence in "the accuser". The DA's office, already with "egg on it's face " for rushing to judgment, doesn't want to spend millions of dollars in time, expense and manpower only to be dragged through the mud by top-notch[and respected] defense lawyers.
So while the actual dismissal has lingered, all that remains now is for the Supreme Court Justice to grant [Rubberstamp] the unopposed motion to dismiss.
While Strauss-Kahn is now free to live unrestricted, the civil case and imminent request by " the accuser " to appoint a "special prosecutor " will take on lives of their own . Strauss-Kahn will be living in luxury in Paris, trying to ressurrect(Not ress-erect) his political career(and reputation) with unlimited money to hire an army of attorneys to defend the civil case. He will travel and galavant ,but I'm sure he will stay away(far away) from the good old US of A . Wouldn't you?
But there is probably one thing which could make it all go away...Just one little, tiny thing...Yes, about $5 million and a "secrecy agreement ". What do you think?

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