Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wall Street; All That Stress, Pressure, Worrying...And We Ended Up Friday Almost Where We Started On Monday!

Last week was probably one of the most stressful in recent times for "Wall Street ". No one really knew if the market would go into a "free fall ", whether the downswings on Monday and Wednesday would continue on Tuesday and Thursday . Whether there was any good news lurking out there ? Were we going back to "7,300 " after bouncing around 12,000 for a while?
Nobody knew, nobody was sure, the customers were panicked and Wall Street was bracing for the worst . A dark cloud of pressure and stress hung over lower Manhattan (and for that matter the whole "Global Economy") for the entire week , right up to the closing bell Friday.
I guarantee you there were a multitude of relieved traders, brokers, investment bankers, wealth managers and customers at 4 pm "EST " this past Friday. Nobody was drinking white wine then , just the hard stuff...And from what I hear, plenty of it!
So where does that leave us? Last week we had 3 days of gains, 2 days of downswings and "The Dow" ended the week down just a 100 points or so . Come Monday morning at the opening bell we will all start the week fresh. No "S&P downgrade" lurking over the market waiting to wreak havoc and fury Monday morning. I believe also a renewed sense of confidence "that we can take the worst punch and still get up". Wall Street "manned up " this past week.
This week we get our reward....11,300, 11,500, 12,000........Who knows?

Let's not think about it yet, it's only Saturday night! " May the force be with you"!

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