Thursday, August 25, 2011

Watergate; Judge Orders Nixon Secret Grand Jury Testimony to Be Released!

Watergate, Woodward and Bernstein, "Deep Throat", "The Break In", 18 Minute gap on the White House Tapes, Nixon's Resignation...All part of one of the biggest political scandals of all time. Hope they're teaching it in high schools today. And yes, it all happened almost 40 years ago !
What many Americans didn't know is that in June 1975, Nixon for two days near his home in California gave secret grand jury testimony about Watergate. It was the first time a former President had testified before a grand jury. May shed light on Nixon's knowledge of the breakin. Fascinating stuff!
While US District Court Judge Royce Lamberth has ordered the Government to publicly release the 297 page transcript, a probable appeal could delay it's release. Have to wait and see.
Interesting to see what " Tricky Dick" had to say on those 2 warm days in June 36 years ago.

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