Friday, August 26, 2011

Boston Archdiocese; The Partial List of Clergy Accused of Sexual Abuse is Long Overdue and Incomplete!

I am leveled by the scope and the breadth of "Clergy " who have been accused of and/or found guilty of sexually abusing children . It seems to never end! The Archdiocese of Boston on Thursday published a partial list of clergy members who have been accused of sexual abuse nearly a decade after the scandal broke.
Previously , about 30 other Archdioceses including Chicago, Los Angeles and Philadelphia have published lists . What's upsetting to " victims groups " is twofold. First, the length of time it took for Boston to " man up " and publish the list. Secondly, the list is far from complete. The Boston Archdiocese unilaterally set the rules as to who would be named and who wouldn't. For example if a Priest was accused of sexual abuse while working in Boston, but is currently working in another diocese, his name was not published . Why? Who knows ? Does the privacy issue outweigh victims rights and church members' onging safety? Presumably, Priests accused of sexual abuse could be currently leading a parish "outside of Boston ".
To me, this is just another example of the " Catholic Church " condoning this behavior , failing to accept 100 % responsibility, turning a blind eye and pretending the abuse is isolated rather than pervasive worldwide.
The only way the problem can be rooted out is to bring in "independent investigators and prosecutors " who have unfettered prosecutorial powers. Get rid of "all" the deviant clergy and then start fresh with new qualifications and rigid psychological screening going forward.
Can this continue for another 500 years? I certainly hope not.

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