Monday, August 29, 2011

Dow Jones Industrial up 254 Points Today...Honestly, Is There Any Rhyme or Reason to the Market Fluctuations?

Since the summer of 2008 I have been closely following the market on a daily basis. Since the downgrade by S&P about three weeks ago I have now been following it on an hourly basis. I am acutely aware that there are thousands of MBA market experts out there from Harvard, Wharton, Stanford, Univ. of Chicago, Oxford, Cambridge....You name it! I also am well aware of the sophisticated trading algorithms utilized by Goldman Sachs ,etc...Let's not forget the millions and millions of dollars spent on market research and due diligence . Some even watch "Jim Lehrer's Nightly Business Watch"(lol).
So where does it all leave us ? Is sophisticated market research better than a"good old coin flip"? Does anyone really invest in "individual stock performance " anymore or do you dictate your investment decisions based solely on national or global economic factors? Should the stability of Greece's economy really affect the value of Google? Do you sell off stocks everytime there is bad economic or financial news?
Frankly, in my opinion it has become laughable. No stability, no real trends to speak of. Let's face it , no stocks truly trade on their own merits(or lack therof).But what can really be done?
Just continue to do what you've been doing. Listen to experts, hear what friends have to say, read "The Journal " and invest in a "newsletter ". But before I wrap up I have to ask you to explain one little, tiny thing to me...How does the Dow Jones jump 254 points just one day after a massively destructive hurricane(tropical storm) causes ten's of billions of dollars in damages up and down the east coast? All I can say is "I"ll bite....
Your thoughts?

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