Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Miracles, Miracles...MF Global U.S. Customers Probably to Receive 100% of Their Money Back! Happy Ending .

After what seems like years trying to untangle this financial "jig-saw puzzle" by two "pitbull trustees, numerous Regulatory investigations, Congressional Hearings, FBI investigation, a worldwide search for  "customer money ", a bankruptcy  and wrangling with British Administrators of funds, it appears that US Customers will actually be "made whole"! Amazing, great news.
    Jon Corzine , who has  been  dragged through the mud , actually may be vindicated by the whole process. His $6.3  billion bet on European Bonds paid off .  US  Customers will not lose their life savings. Although European customers won't fare as well. Anyhow, the beat goes on. 
   Hey, another day "on the Street"!

  Steve Goldman reporting.

Monday, January 28, 2013

All I Can Say is , "What a Day For The NBA"!

Yesterday, a non-football Sunday , was a hoop fan's dream day ! First game Celts beat Heat in double OT. Lebron 34 points. Pierce a "triple-double". Game 2 was special . "A playmaking Kobe" and the Lakers trying to"right the ship" beat Durant(35 points) and OKC . Playoff atmosphere and more.
   Finally game 3. Melo and the Knicks on a Sunday night at home, went down to the last shot attempt by Josh Smith to get the "W". Melo only hit 9 3's and erupted for  42  to lead the Knicks.
    What a day!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dow at 13,835, Holy Schmolee !

 Yes, ladies  and gentleman  it's 12 degrees outside .Four degree wind chill factor.  But  the Dow is "hot as ever"!  Crept over 13,800  this morning.
    What has triggered the investor confidence?   Will it break it's all-time high water mark of 14,198  on October 11 th, 2007.

   Only time will tell!  Ok, buy, buy, buy!

  Wall Street analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Martin Luther King, One of Two Most Influential People In Our Nation's History Relating to Civil Rights!

As far as  I'm concerned   , Dr. Martin Luther King  has  never gotten his just due historically  . Unfortunately , it took too long to recognize his accomplishments with a National Holiday and since then  the day has not been really recognized as a " full-fledged"  holiday.
   I  am at a loss as to why   Dr. King has  not been afforded  proper respect.  His drive, intelligence, persistence and self-sacrifice were instrumental in  ending segregation in the South  and of course  the passage of the  Civil Rights Act of 1964 . King, and of course Lincoln , in signing the " Emancipation Proclamation " into law  were without a doubt the  two most  influential  individuals  historically on the Civil Rights front. Don't misunderstand me . There have been untold thousands who have contributed. But King and Lincoln stand out.
   Yesterday, to me felt like a special day. President Obama's second  Inauguration falling on MLK Day, and the  feeling everywhere of "Remembering Dr. King" !  It felt  like yesterday,that recognition for  the late, great Reverend Dr. Martin  Luther King  finally came full circle!  
   Dr. King , you were the "Man" !   No one should ever forget!

Monday, January 21, 2013

"Stan the Man " Musial Passes at Age 92!

  Gotta  blog for Stan the Man !  24  time all-star, 3630 hits(1815 at home, 1815 away), 475 homers, 1900  RBI's, batted .331 lifetime , plus 3 World Series Rings and much , much more . His  name was synonomous with great hitting.  Mentioned in the same breath  as the "great Ted Williams ".
    Musial , a first ballot Hall of Famer, played 22 years  and was remembered as a gentle,  caring,  decent man. He was  Mr. St. Louis  Cardinal.
    Stan, you will be missed, but not  forgotten !  You  will always be loved!  Loved that lefty swing....

Saturday, January 19, 2013

James Hood, A Civil Rights Legend Dies at Age 70 !

Let's stop wasting our time debating about  Lance Armstrong . He cheated and lied and that's it. Move on. Time to rememember and honor  "real men" like  James Hood  . Do you  know who he is? Probably most don't. Don't  think they  teach about him specifically in schools and the huge impact he made in the "Civil Rights Movement ".
   The year is  1963. The place University of Alabama. The "deep south " . The Governor of Alabama , George Wallace was a renowned racist and bigot . Volatile  time in the South . Kennedy Administration is occupying the White House.
    So on this historic day  in 1963  when Hood and Vivian Malone attempted to   enter the U. of Alabama building to register,  (Accompanied by the Assistant  United States Attorney General) they were met at the door by George Wallace . Wallace had vowed to block desegregation at the school.  Eventually, Wallace backed down, the students registered and the school desegregated .  Huge moment in history.
    Hood actually went back and earned his Doctorate in 1997.

     He and Ms. Malone  were  a brave duo!  You can't say enough about their courage and faith.  God Bless!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Dow Just Hits 13,500; Will it Continue to Move Upward ?

  In  the fall of 2008, I recall the Dow Jones bottoming out around 7,000 and change . Many experts felt at that time if the "Dow" went below  7,000, we might experience another free-fall . Well along comes "Sheriff Obama", the bailouts, "too big to fail" and all the other financial turmoil we've experienced nationally and globally over the past five years and lo and behold here we are!   I have one question. Who gets the credit for this?

 Wall Street analyst  SF  Goldman the 4th reporting.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Gun Control; New York Doing the Right Thing...Other 49 States Should Follow!

New York is about to pass new , ramped up gun control laws. Governor Cuomo  you rock!  Without hesitation the other 49 states should follow suit . Things have gotten out of control  with  the $12 billion gun industry. We see horrible, preventable tragedies every day.  Sad stuff.
   We need  tougher uniform rules, mandatory training, background checks, classes, waiting periods and an ultimate decision by a " licensing committee " (after due deliberation) whether to grant the privilige of a gun license to  an individual who has  demonstrated " good cause " to  own a hand-gun .
    That would be a good start!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Baseball Writers Playing God, Refuse To Allow Anyone Into The "Hall"!

Yesterday's announced results that the Baseball Writers of America  didn't vote a single player into the Hall  of Fame  was a sad day for  baseball. The power that these writers  hold  has gotten to the  point  where a change  needs to be made. The omnipotent  "voting journalists"  can vote yes or no for any reason or none at all. No rhyme or reason  necessary!  A player dedicates his entire life to the sport , only to learn that certain writers don't  vote "yes" on the first ballot...No ifs, ands or buts. It seems that the writers took out their  " Bonds-Clemens "  hostility  on everybody else . It doesn't matter if there  is evidence of "roids " or not...You played during that era so you're screwed!  So just  take  the Hall down. We don't need it . 
    Or give us some objective criteria to work with.  3000 Hits, 500 homers, 300 wins or 1500  RBI's used to get you in. No more . Things have gotten out of hand . Morals are now looked at.
   Something has to change, and before  next year.
      Are we gonna now look at all past indutee's and scrutize their lives. Ty Cobb was a racist . So were 1000 other guys. Mantle and his crew drank before games,  came to games  drunk. Every player who ever took  amphetamines , excess painkillers,  prescription narcotics  are out. Wife beaters...Out!  Guys who cheated in college!  Out!  Caught chewing gum in Junior High School class out!   The Hall would be fu__in empty!
   Let's get a grip here . Maybe the players should vote on which writers should be eligible!

  Steve Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Don't Look Now; Rockets With Harden, J Lin and Company Have Won 5 in a Row and 12 Out of 15!

Harden, Lin, Assik ,Chandler Parsons and  Carlos Del Fino...Yes, that's the 2012-2013 Houston Rockets! This year was supposed to be a "total rebuilding  project". Lo and behold they get Lin, Assik and pull off the Harden deal! Harden has been a top 5 player all year, since day 1 . Lin , filling up stat sheets. The rest of the players  trusting Lin.
    The Rockets under Kevin McHale , can run, shoot, pass and score.The team has really gelled , and besides Harden they have a number of weapons. Hey, I watched em run circles around  Kobe, Nash and the Lakers last night. Fun stuff!

  Let's just enjoy the ride!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Somehow, Some Way , The Dow Has Snuck Up To 13435, How Much Further Will it Go?

 With a New Year, Obama re-elected  and the "Fiscal Cliff  "  stabilized,  the Dow has  jumped about 300 points in the last  few  days!  Yes it has  , even in the face  of  "House  Republican  Sabatoge  ". Oh, what  a legislative system we currently have.
   Anyway,  should be another volatile year in Congress. Can the parties actually work together?  I know; silly for asking. Well,  the Dow  is nearing  13,500.

  Who woulda thunk?   Your thoughts?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Penn State Scandal; What a Fuc__n Joke, Penn State Agrees to Sanctions, Now The Commonwealth of Pa. Is Suing Over Them!

Governor Tom Corbett  of   Pa. has reached  a new  level  "chutzpah "!   After  Penn State  agreed  to  NCAA  sanctions  handed down to their football  program, (Corbett served on  the Board of Trustees) , the State of Pennsylvania has now  sued the NCAA  in Federal Court  alleging  "Sherman  Antitrust  Violations".
   Don't make me laugh...I just ate! Corbett in a blatantly transparent political  move  has orchestrated  the filing of this meritless lawsuit.  Here's what he's trying to  have a Federal Court  Judge  accept. Penn State   University  agreed  to a $60  million sanction and a   four year  suspension from any "Bowl Games " for one simple reason . They were happy to take it on the chin to save  their cherished football program. They even made the first  $12  million payment to the NCAA . Governor Corbett actually  served on the Board of Trustees  who voted  to accept the sanctions . Part of the agreement was that  Penn State  would not contest the sanctions.
    So what does Corbett do ?  Confident  that the sanctions in place "saved the football program"(and cannot get worse )  , he goes out and  challenges the penalty. Hey, a deal  is a deal, isn't it?  No one forced Penn State to accept the sanction. They did, because they feared a  five year ban or worse  of any football...which would have been a death knell.  Tom, you can't have your cake and eat it too! What you  are attempting to do, would be akin to the NCAA   saying " we think the santions are too light, we want to scrap your entire football program instead."  Ridiculous!  IT'S A NO-WIN SITUATION.
  Finally,  somehow I don't believe we"ve heard  the last  of  "santions " here.. A  Federal  Court  Judge when all is said and done,  may very well be inclined to santion Corbett and the State of Pennsylvania for filing  this  frivilous lawsuit .
   Stay tuned.

  NCAA  reporter S.F. Goldman  III   reporting.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcoming In 2013!

So here we are again , a new , fresh year. I wish all my friends a happy , healthy and prosperous New Year. The new year brings new resolutions, new diets, promises and threats to break old, bad habits.
 Don't enter the New Year in a daze, embrace it ...full steam ahead!

  Gotta get some black coffee!   Go get em!

Steve Goldman reporting.