Saturday, June 4, 2011

John Edwards; The Free Fall from Stature Continues....

Never , ever get "too full of yourself", because as many have harshly learned those "on top of the world " are sometimes one mis-step from a "free fall" to the bottom. We have seen it on Wall Street, in religious circles, in politics, show business, sports and almost every sector of life . Here today, gone tommorrow.
Well, John Edwards' fall strikes me as an exceptional decline, in large part because of the respect he had from so many and his striking accomplishments professionally. Edwards was a renowned plaintiff's trial lawyer in North Carolina . He was feared by defense attorneys and insurance companies alike due to his oratorical skill, his good looks , old style southern charm in front of a jury and his "pit bull perseverence" and his unwavering will to win and fear of losing. He amassed a small fortune through his verdicts and settlements. He later went on to become a United States Senator.
But with all his successes , he suffered plenty of grief and heartache . He lost his son in 1996. His wife endured a long, grueling and debilitating bout with cancer. He appeared from a public eye to stand firmly behind her and their bout against the devastating disease.
So where did things start to unravel for him? The affair, the denial, the lies...the coverup. Hush $, living expenses for the mother and child . Secrecy...still he had presidential aspirations and was involved in the fight of his life.
How could it all happen? My opinion? Edwards, despite all his successes was lonely for intimacy, companionship and a relationship. What a terrible time for him not to be able to control his urges. Was he in love, lust...who knows. It's irrelevant now . His wife of so many years has since passed away. His reputation has been tarnished forever.
Could things get worse? Well yesterday they just did ! Edwards was indicted under a novel application of the Federal Election Law . The Feds say he used $ from benefactors to cover up his affair which served to aid his campaign...Thus the alleged violation of the Federal Election Law.
He has plead not guilty, hired heavywieght defense lawyer Greg Craig and (with his daughter at his side ) has vowed to fight this. Going to be an interesting proceeding.
Hey let's face with. Now,Edwards only has his children, law license(plenty of $) and pride left...Oh yes, and for now his freedom to fight for.
John, you did it to yourself...Not a lot of sympathizers out there!

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