Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Will the Real Three Stooges, Strauss-Kahn, "Arnold " and Anthony Weiner ,Please Stand up!

I want to personally thank Strauss-Kahn(of IMF fame), Governor Arnold and now Anthony Weiner for giving me such material for my blog. Wow! Strauss-Kahn allegedly sexually attacking a maid at a hotel, Arnold fathering a baby out of wedlock while still Governor and now Anthony Weiner(Mayoral hopeful) married man sending pictures of himself in his underwear via the internet to I believe a college student in Seattle . Three "bone " heads...Bone being the key word here.
I guess power breeds stupidity , not to mention horniness, carelessness, selflessness and arrogance...Well ,you get the picture . I don't know...I'm no prude, but with marriage and decency, you're in or out I don't give a "f__k " who you you are ! You can't be in half-way.
Well, now Strauss-Kahn is facing 20 years, Arnold's divorce will cost him $200 million and he's now a joke and Anthony Weiner is just a "plain-old horndog" who ruined his family and political career..
And all for what? That moment of instant gratification...
Shame , shame , shame on you 3!

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