Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Gay Softball World Series "; Big Lawsuit , Second Place Team Stripped of Finish....Gay Players, Not Gay?

Let me start out and let you know I fully support gay rights, protection against "gay discrimination" , "gay marriage " and an individual's right to choose his or her lifestyle and to enjoy it to the fullest extent without harrassment, discrimination or interference.
And hasn't society really changed? More acceptance , more open-mindedness and less homophobia. Interesting case filed in Federal District Court in Seattle. During the " Gay Softball World Series " the second place team was accused of violating the "straight cap"...yes too many non-gay players on the team . Five players in all were "singled out " as being not gay!
So the tournament officials then grilled these individuals as to whether or not they were gay.
I can see the interrogation now,(bright lights and all) "you know you're not gay, admit it. Admit it , you're a hetrerosexual. Aha!" Name three gay things you have done or name two gay events you have attended. Who was your last gay lover? Times up! Obviously you're not gay! The nerve of you! Team disqualified!
Well, in this case 3 of the 5 accused "non-gays " were determined not to be gay. It reminds me of that movie "Green Card " where the couple had to demonstrate that their marriage was bonafide. The second place team lost their appeal and alas a lawsuit was filed.
The Federal Court Judge preliminarily ruled that non-gays can be excluded. Can you imagine? Exact converse situation where the Court ruled that the Boy Scouts can exclude gays.
So I vehemently disagree with both decisions.. Sexual preference in sports, clubs, admissions, etc is irrelevant and should never be condoned or considerered as a factor for entrance or participation. Can't have it both ways.
By the way, a word of advice to the disqualified second place team : Make sure next year your "cleanup hitter " is really gay!
This has been another installment of "Goldman Opinions ".

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