Friday, June 17, 2011

Anthony Weiner; One "Boner " Away from City Hall "!

So the inevitable took place yesterday....The king of sex tweeting resigned. Wonder if Weiner("Wiener ") will get a pension? We hadn't had such an interesting "sex scandal " since President Clinton was receiving "Oval Office Courtesies " from Ms. Lewinsky.
Big question that comes to mind is whether former Congressman Weiner will be able to "e-rect " his political and professional career. Did anyone say underwear male model for the midlife crisis set? Put him on the Haynes commercials with Michael Jordan and the guy on the plane.
Oh well Anthony...Seven terms in Congress, Democratic star, Brooklyn kid.....I guess your life long dream .....of sending out nude photos of yourself while sitting at The Mayor's Desk just won't happen!
And you were one "boner "away, both literally and figuritively. I'm sure this is not the end for you...And just think they have newer and better 4G smart phones for you.

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