Friday, June 10, 2011

Strauss-Kahn (former IMF Chief) has "all-male " Cleaning Staff in his Home Confinement.

So our good friend and "accused sex fiend" Dominique Strauss-Kahn really is slumming it while in home confinement. Luxury living accommodations, paying $200,000 per month to the private security that is guarding him and now the "final blow" an all-male cleaning staff (male maids?) at his temporary home. Maybe, just maybe he is a plain old "maidifile ", regardless of their gender(sex, oh well bad choice of words).
That brings me to my next thought, are these "male maids " really safe? What happens if just the sight of a vacuum cleaner, dust pan, mop, broom and "wipes " sets Strauss-Kahn off into an uncontrollable state of arousal....Will he try to seduce, attack, fondle or God forbid expose himself to the all-male "he maids" ? Now that would be fun...How would they respond? Would his bail be revoked? Would they have to bring in neutered , genderless maids ? Or worse yet, "robot maids " like in the "Jetsons"....
I say the heck with it, just let him clean up for himself....Stay tuned for another chapter of "Dominique Strauss-Kahn meets the all-male Vacuum Cleaners ".
Good night and happy sweeping.

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