Friday, June 24, 2011

Delta Airlines Openly Discriminating Against Jews and Israeli's; They MUST BE BOYCOTTED Worldwide Until They Apologize and Abandon Plans....

When I read the news this morning that Delta in it's new alliance will adhere to Saudi Arabian discrimatory policy against Jews and Israeli's on it's flights from the U.S. to Saudi Arabia , I thought I was actually reading "prank news ". I could not even begin to fathom that in the year 2011 , a major international airline (U.S. based ) would openly adhere to and rubber stamp discrimatory practices with one thing in mind..."The almighty dollar"!
I don't know what's more despicable, discrimation resulting from hatred and ignorance or because of greed!. Both are unforgivable and turn my stomach. Delta's actions are akin to the Nazi's singling out Jewish families in Germany or restaurant owners in the "deep south " in the 1950's and 60's posting signs refusing to serve blacks....Or any blatant discrimination based on race, creed, color, religion , sex or national origin.
It simply "flies in the face " of human decency and what a civilized society stands for and strives for! It's of no significance that Delta didn't initiate the policy , the fact that they're supporting it and despicably turning a blind eye and deaf ears is just as bad! This kind of action (or inaction) cannot and will not be tolerated. I was amazed that Delta actually has tried to defend it's stance. Totally, unfu__kin-believable!
Here's the bottom line; Delta you have 24 hours to "right the ship", or I will never fly another one of your flights again...Of course , my boycott will have no effect, but if millions of like minded, principled individuals follow suit , Delta will "rue the day" they placed greed ahead of decency, humanity and respect.
Delta , go screw yourself!

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