Thursday, June 23, 2011

What Happened to "Black Wall Street "On May 31st, 1921? Do You Know?

Between 1910 and 1920 Greenwood Avenue in Tulsa, Oklahoma became known as "Negro Wall Street ". It is now commonly referred to as "Black Wall Street ". This once thriving residential and commercial district was home to well regarded black businessman, numerous mulimillioaires, prominent black physicians,black attorneys, realtors and two well respected newspapers.
So what happened? I must confess, until three days ago I didn't know, did you ? The reason being that our "academic text book publishers " intentionally did not include this tragic event in our school history textbooks. Why ? What was being covered up ? Was the event too vile, too embarassing to be taught in schools and discussed?
Well, here is what happened. On May 31st, 1921 word spread in Tulsa of a white woman being "allegedly assaulted " by a black man . White mobs armed themselves intent on lynching the accused. Blacks armed themselves desperate to prevent a lynching. A confrontation ensued, a shot was fired and ultimately "black Greenwood Avenue " was burned to the ground while fire fighters were prevented from putting out the blazes by "armed white mobs"!
More than 600 thriving black owned businesses were destroyed, homes set on fire, numerous deaths and untold destruction took place . Banks, a hospital, churches, restaurants, a post office, movie theaters and grocery stores were burned to the ground. Was this about a woman ? Or the jealousy, hatred and envy of Tulsa successful blacks by the "white community " ? Seems obvious to me!
Greenwood Avenue was rebuilt some five years later and thrived during the 1920's. Eventually in the 1960's the area faded and virtually disappeared . Efforts starting in the 1970's to commemorate and educate began. In the 1990's through today tribute has been paid and in 1995 the Greenwood Cultural Center was created.
There is one thing that still needs to be done by the proud City of Tulsa to bring this horrible event to "closure"....Enact legislation which will mandate the payment of compensation to survivors and ancestors of Greenwood Avenue's burning. Tulsa, do the right thing!

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