Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rod Blagojevich, After 10 Days of Deliberations He's Fourth ILLinois Governor to be Convicted of Corruption in Recent Times!

I totally had lost track of these proceedings . "Blag " was doing reality shows after walking free following the first trial in which he did not testify. No national leadup to the "re-trial", no hype, nada. Then bang today! Front page of the New York Times , "Ex-Governor Found Gulty of Corruption ".....Wow, out of nowhere.
The jury handed down multiple convictions in the re-trial in which "Blag " testified for 7 days...Yikes, can you imagine his attorneys and family having to watch that debacle for seven freakin days....two words for you...."Oy vey"! Anyway, apparently the Government pruned down it's case and a righteous jury was selected resulting in a multiple count conviction.
Post-trial motions and appeals will play out, but ultimately(and sadly for his two little girls) he will serve 7-10 years and will miss his daughters growing up . He is a strong person , will do his time and will attempt a comeback of some kind in ten or so years...Don't say impossible!
Did anyone say book rights?
At the end of the day the beat goes on in Chicago, now with almost as many Governors convicted as Jordan-Pippen championships. Must be a job requirement!

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