Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Congressman Weiner, Do like Governor Spitzer did, Resign and In 3 Years You'll Have Your Own TV Show on CNN!

First of all Congressman Weiner(If you change the "e and i around in his last name it's WIENER), you need "Tweeting Lessons". I think it's fair to say that one wrong push of the keyboard "blew up your life , family, marriage and political career " . Don't be in such a rush next time(lol). Secondly, I saw the pictures in the Post, I think you actually hurt your chances with these ladies by showing off your body and briefs(not legal briefs of course ).
Look, "Anthony" you can't stem the tide regarding your resignation. You're a "big boy"(well not actually that big !), just take it on the chin , resign and start your stint in the penalty box . Like hockey, 3 years for "high sticking ". Good news for you is that this is America, and comebacks for the disgraced are not only fashionable, but encouraged. Get a job on Wall Street specializing in "insider trading", and before you know it you'll be back in politics running for class parent in your kid's 6th grade class.
As I recently told John Edwards, you had it all! You have no one to blame but yourself and "your little friend below your waist!

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