Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Gay Softball World Series "; Big Lawsuit , Second Place Team Stripped of Finish....Gay Players, Not Gay?

Let me start out and let you know I fully support gay rights, protection against "gay discrimination" , "gay marriage " and an individual's right to choose his or her lifestyle and to enjoy it to the fullest extent without harrassment, discrimination or interference.
And hasn't society really changed? More acceptance , more open-mindedness and less homophobia. Interesting case filed in Federal District Court in Seattle. During the " Gay Softball World Series " the second place team was accused of violating the "straight cap"...yes too many non-gay players on the team . Five players in all were "singled out " as being not gay!
So the tournament officials then grilled these individuals as to whether or not they were gay.
I can see the interrogation now,(bright lights and all) "you know you're not gay, admit it. Admit it , you're a hetrerosexual. Aha!" Name three gay things you have done or name two gay events you have attended. Who was your last gay lover? Times up! Obviously you're not gay! The nerve of you! Team disqualified!
Well, in this case 3 of the 5 accused "non-gays " were determined not to be gay. It reminds me of that movie "Green Card " where the couple had to demonstrate that their marriage was bonafide. The second place team lost their appeal and alas a lawsuit was filed.
The Federal Court Judge preliminarily ruled that non-gays can be excluded. Can you imagine? Exact converse situation where the Court ruled that the Boy Scouts can exclude gays.
So I vehemently disagree with both decisions.. Sexual preference in sports, clubs, admissions, etc is irrelevant and should never be condoned or considerered as a factor for entrance or participation. Can't have it both ways.
By the way, a word of advice to the disqualified second place team : Make sure next year your "cleanup hitter " is really gay!
This has been another installment of "Goldman Opinions ".

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The New York Court of Appeals Has Spoken; Divorce Settlements are Final!

Oz has spoken! I mean the New York Court of Appeals. In a recent ruling involving Janet Schaberg and her former husband ,Steven Walsh(facing charges of defrauding investors of $550 million) the Court of Appeals hearing the matter upon request from the U.S. Court of Appeals(2nd Circuit in New York), held that illegally obtained monies received by an"innocent spouse " in a divorce agreement are final and cannot be confiscated!
Here's what happened. In 2007 Ms. Schaberg and Mr. Walsh divorced . Ms. Schaeberg received a large cash settlement in the divorce. In 2009 Mr. Walsh and his partner were arrested, accused of running a 13 year, $550 million " Ponzi scheme ".
Subsequently the Government froze Ms. Schaberg's assets and she appealed . On appeal, the Federal Appeals Court asked the New York Court of Appeals for guidance on this issue concerning "state divorce law". Lo and behold, the ruling.
The decision "hotly debated" will surely affect numerous divorces and two pending cases involving Madoff victims who paid divorce settlements and later "lost their shirts " in the Madoff tragedy.
Crazy stuff...Moral of the story:If you're married to a crook, get divorced quickly and get as much as you can! Just see no evil, hear no evil.....Well you know what I mean. Good luck.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rod Blagojevich, After 10 Days of Deliberations He's Fourth ILLinois Governor to be Convicted of Corruption in Recent Times!

I totally had lost track of these proceedings . "Blag " was doing reality shows after walking free following the first trial in which he did not testify. No national leadup to the "re-trial", no hype, nada. Then bang today! Front page of the New York Times , "Ex-Governor Found Gulty of Corruption ".....Wow, out of nowhere.
The jury handed down multiple convictions in the re-trial in which "Blag " testified for 7 days...Yikes, can you imagine his attorneys and family having to watch that debacle for seven freakin days....two words for you...."Oy vey"! Anyway, apparently the Government pruned down it's case and a righteous jury was selected resulting in a multiple count conviction.
Post-trial motions and appeals will play out, but ultimately(and sadly for his two little girls) he will serve 7-10 years and will miss his daughters growing up . He is a strong person , will do his time and will attempt a comeback of some kind in ten or so years...Don't say impossible!
Did anyone say book rights?
At the end of the day the beat goes on in Chicago, now with almost as many Governors convicted as Jordan-Pippen championships. Must be a job requirement!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Where Paleface and Redskin Both Turn Chicken; Don Diamond F-Troop's Crazy Cat Dies at Age 90.

There are certain shows that you were too young to truly understand when you originally saw them which you really appreciated years later when you saw them on reruns. To me, "F-Troop " which only aired for two seasons from 1965-1967 ,was a classic example of this. Forrest Tucker , Larry Storch , Ken Berry and Frank DeKova. Zaniness! Simple, fun stuff.

But let's not forget Don Diamond who played Crazy Cat , the wannebe Chief. Don Diamond was a Russian-Jewish immigrant who developed a knack for all sorts of crazy voices and accents. He played Crazy Cat for two seasons.

Perhaps his greatest line came when finally in season two he got to be "acting chief" while ' Chief Wild Eagle " was at the dentist . Crazy Cat in his accent states" When Wild Eagle away, Crazy Cat will play". It strikes me as very funny still today.

Don Diamond, you were "one crazy cat"!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Delta Airlines Openly Discriminating Against Jews and Israeli's; They MUST BE BOYCOTTED Worldwide Until They Apologize and Abandon Plans....

When I read the news this morning that Delta in it's new alliance will adhere to Saudi Arabian discrimatory policy against Jews and Israeli's on it's flights from the U.S. to Saudi Arabia , I thought I was actually reading "prank news ". I could not even begin to fathom that in the year 2011 , a major international airline (U.S. based ) would openly adhere to and rubber stamp discrimatory practices with one thing in mind..."The almighty dollar"!
I don't know what's more despicable, discrimation resulting from hatred and ignorance or because of greed!. Both are unforgivable and turn my stomach. Delta's actions are akin to the Nazi's singling out Jewish families in Germany or restaurant owners in the "deep south " in the 1950's and 60's posting signs refusing to serve blacks....Or any blatant discrimination based on race, creed, color, religion , sex or national origin.
It simply "flies in the face " of human decency and what a civilized society stands for and strives for! It's of no significance that Delta didn't initiate the policy , the fact that they're supporting it and despicably turning a blind eye and deaf ears is just as bad! This kind of action (or inaction) cannot and will not be tolerated. I was amazed that Delta actually has tried to defend it's stance. Totally, unfu__kin-believable!
Here's the bottom line; Delta you have 24 hours to "right the ship", or I will never fly another one of your flights again...Of course , my boycott will have no effect, but if millions of like minded, principled individuals follow suit , Delta will "rue the day" they placed greed ahead of decency, humanity and respect.
Delta , go screw yourself!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

What Happened to "Black Wall Street "On May 31st, 1921? Do You Know?

Between 1910 and 1920 Greenwood Avenue in Tulsa, Oklahoma became known as "Negro Wall Street ". It is now commonly referred to as "Black Wall Street ". This once thriving residential and commercial district was home to well regarded black businessman, numerous mulimillioaires, prominent black physicians,black attorneys, realtors and two well respected newspapers.
So what happened? I must confess, until three days ago I didn't know, did you ? The reason being that our "academic text book publishers " intentionally did not include this tragic event in our school history textbooks. Why ? What was being covered up ? Was the event too vile, too embarassing to be taught in schools and discussed?
Well, here is what happened. On May 31st, 1921 word spread in Tulsa of a white woman being "allegedly assaulted " by a black man . White mobs armed themselves intent on lynching the accused. Blacks armed themselves desperate to prevent a lynching. A confrontation ensued, a shot was fired and ultimately "black Greenwood Avenue " was burned to the ground while fire fighters were prevented from putting out the blazes by "armed white mobs"!
More than 600 thriving black owned businesses were destroyed, homes set on fire, numerous deaths and untold destruction took place . Banks, a hospital, churches, restaurants, a post office, movie theaters and grocery stores were burned to the ground. Was this about a woman ? Or the jealousy, hatred and envy of Tulsa successful blacks by the "white community " ? Seems obvious to me!
Greenwood Avenue was rebuilt some five years later and thrived during the 1920's. Eventually in the 1960's the area faded and virtually disappeared . Efforts starting in the 1970's to commemorate and educate began. In the 1990's through today tribute has been paid and in 1995 the Greenwood Cultural Center was created.
There is one thing that still needs to be done by the proud City of Tulsa to bring this horrible event to "closure"....Enact legislation which will mandate the payment of compensation to survivors and ancestors of Greenwood Avenue's burning. Tulsa, do the right thing!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mel Weiss; I Wish You Luck, But It Aint Gonna Be Easy !

I am a an outspoken supporter "of second chances ". I believe that it's not about "how many times you fall , but how many times you get up " that defines a person . So while Mr. Weiss lost his license to practice law , plead guilty to a crime , spent a year in prision, 4 months in a halfway house and paid a multi-million fine, he did return to his mansion in Oyster Bay Long Island and his winter retreat in Palm Beach after "doing his time ".
So is his attempt to get involved in "legal circles " as a mediator a classic comeback or a hobby or an ego trip? In my opinion , it's really about a wealthy individual, who is 75 years old who is trying to gauge whether anyone still respects his opinion . Is he still "a legal leper"? If he fails it's no skin off his back, so he really has no "stake" in this alleged comeback either! Is it too soon for this move? Only three years since his plea.
The toughest challenge (next to impossible) will be to regain some credibility in the eyes of plaintiff's and defendant's attorneys. I don't believe , based on the history of what transpired, that a defendant would sit down at a table, with huge money on the line, with a convict who admitted to scheming big companies countless times out of untold millions of dollars. Just don't see it happening. Not today, not in five years!
So while the New York Times article was nice, Mel you may be more productive in some philanthropic endeavors, enjoying your family, keeping a low profile and working on your putting game.
There's an evolution to a comeback. Don't try to make a big splash too soon...The "pool " may not be ready for you! Take it slow.
Good luck!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

US Supreme Court; You've Done it Now, Are You Giving Wal-Mart and Big Companies Just Like Them,"Carte Blanche " to Discriminate Against It's Workers!

The highest Court in the land issued a 5-4 decision yesterday dismissing the largest class action in history against Wal-Mart affecting 1.5 million class members and probably curtailing the "class action vehicle " for plaintiffs for generations to come. After this decision I feel like I'm stuck in a time warp in the 1880's in the era of the "robber barons", pre-antitrust, before the "Securities Acts", when big corporations could and would do anything they wanted. It is a scary feeling! The corporate world must be giddy.
The class action has always been "the great equalizer", allowing individuals, who are similarly situated, but whose numbers were too great and individual claims too expensive to file, to band together against the "big, bad, greedy, rich " companies! Plaintiff's lawyers would take them on a contingency and front millions of dollars of costs. Not an easy undertaking.
So what has this decision done ? Given some comfort and breathing room to Wal-Mart. Hurt the morale of the plaintiffs. Caused plaintiffs to start over...10 years of litigation down the tubes!
Made it more difficult to maintain a "class action discrimination case" on a national basis.
But at the end of the day, the plaintiffs will regroup, gather themselves and refile 100's ,if not thousands of more "finely tailored " class actions with smaller subsets. This thing is far from over, but the rules have changed now. The US Supreme Court has spoken(like Oz).
Round 2 coming up..."Let's get ready to rumbleeeeeeee!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The "Big Man ", Clarence Clemens, Baby You Were " Born to Run".

I can recall a series of hot summer nights in the late 70's or early "80's" (feeling pretty good ) watching Springstein and The E Street Band performing at Giant's stadium . In my opinion Springstein , The Big Man and" Company" were the greatest live performers of their era. Nothing like a 4 hour Springstein Concert with encores galore. Man, we were beyond thrilled to be there!
But nothing , and I mean nothing , gave you the feeling that the Big Man did when he played his sax! Absolutely electrifying, riveting .....You did not want it to end ! Clarence Clemens was one of the greatest "sidemen " of all time.
The Big Man passed away yesterday in Palm Beach from complications of a stroke. He was only 69. His relationship with Springstein was well documented, going back to the 70's. He was , and will always be remembered as part of the Sprinstein Family.
May you rest in peace! You will be missed...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Anthony Weiner; One "Boner " Away from City Hall "!

So the inevitable took place yesterday....The king of sex tweeting resigned. Wonder if Weiner("Wiener ") will get a pension? We hadn't had such an interesting "sex scandal " since President Clinton was receiving "Oval Office Courtesies " from Ms. Lewinsky.
Big question that comes to mind is whether former Congressman Weiner will be able to "e-rect " his political and professional career. Did anyone say underwear male model for the midlife crisis set? Put him on the Haynes commercials with Michael Jordan and the guy on the plane.
Oh well Anthony...Seven terms in Congress, Democratic star, Brooklyn kid.....I guess your life long dream .....of sending out nude photos of yourself while sitting at The Mayor's Desk just won't happen!
And you were one "boner "away, both literally and figuritively. I'm sure this is not the end for you...And just think they have newer and better 4G smart phones for you.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Goffer, Goffer and Kimmelman Convicted of Trading on Insider Information!

Another big win for the Federal Prosecutors on "insider trading charges ". After more than 5 days of deliberations, the 2 Goffers and Mr. Kimmelman were found guilty by the jury. The Government Investigation yielded 21 guilty pleas, 4 convictions with one individual still at large.
Quite a scorecard for the US Attorneys!
Will it deter future similar conduct? Your thoughts?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New York Labor Law; Justice Markey You Got it Right in Katouchis v. Jeport Hotel Corp., Index No. 11439/2008

Plaintiff was injured in a fall while painting a bathroom at the defendant hotel. He fell from an A-frame ladder given to him by someone at the hotel. He complained to the staff that the ladder was old, shaky and lacked plastic to keep it stable.
Plaintiff moved for summary judgment pursuant to Section 240(1) of the Labor Law and Justice Markey granted him partial summary judgment on liability, noting the absence of "safety devices". This is exactly the type of accident the enactment of the Labor Law was meant to cover.
Always good to see when a Judge gets it right. (See Segalla and Goldberg Labor Law Update).
Your thoughts?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Goldman War Stories; No Contemporaneous Time Sheets,Thomas P. Puccio Esq. Learns a Very Expensive Lesson.

It happens to the best of us, happened to me and now it has happened to Thomas Puccio Esq. a well renowned attorney...."No contemporaneous time sheets, no fee"! Ouch! Perhaps the worst feeling in the practice of law is when you exert tremendous effort, obtain a successful result for your clients but due to a technicality your fee is taken away.
In Civil Rights cases, class actions and employment discrimination cases, there are "no ifs, ands or buts"...You either keep contemporaneous time sheets or you are sh_t out of luck! The firms who do the work all the time keep time sheets diligently...It's the firms who don't regularly practice in these areas that don't keep thorough, contemporaneous time sheets.
Mr. Puccio who tried a case and was successful under the Fair Labor Standards Act did not keep time sheets. He originally sought $2 million in fees and was rebuffed by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. On remand he was awarded $515,000 by Judge Scheindlin, the trial Judge. The second Circuit vacated that award and effectively took away his fees. Very expensive lesson. Mr. Puccio, with all due respect should have known better!
The Appeals Court has sent a clear message; The absence of contemporaneous time sheets will not be tolerated. "No ticki , no washi"!

Monday, June 13, 2011

"Goldman Feel-Good Stories: Damian Lopez Alfonso ,World Class Cyclist With Bilateral Below-Elbow Amputations!

When was the last time you said " I can't do this or I can't do that either because either I'm tired, sore, achy, old , out of shape or injured"? We all do it....just like we all have a tendency to " feel sorry for ourselves, for any number of reasons. Well , Damian Lopez Alfonso, a Cuban born 34 year old cyclist has never felt sorry for himself and has never stopped pursuing his dreams despite suffering amputations below his elbows on both arms and horrible disfiguring facial injuries in an electrical accident when he was young.
He miraculously shifts gears and brakes with "his nubs" and rides every day. He is fast and "driven"! He competes in events every weekend in events in and around Havana and wins! Wow! He is seeking to qualify for the 2012 Paralympic Games in London. That would be amazing stuff...
He has become well-known through his drive, determination and will to succeed despite the life-altering injury that could and would have crippled physically and psychologically the strongest of strong. He has been getting medical treatment in New York and will probably be fitted with "state of the art" prosthetics. His disfigured face has been totally reconstructed by New York plastic surgeons as well. In July in Canada he begins his qualifying run for the Olympics.
All I can say is, if this story doesn't make you feel good....Probably nothing will!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Strauss-Kahn (former IMF Chief) has "all-male " Cleaning Staff in his Home Confinement.

So our good friend and "accused sex fiend" Dominique Strauss-Kahn really is slumming it while in home confinement. Luxury living accommodations, paying $200,000 per month to the private security that is guarding him and now the "final blow" an all-male cleaning staff (male maids?) at his temporary home. Maybe, just maybe he is a plain old "maidifile ", regardless of their gender(sex, oh well bad choice of words).
That brings me to my next thought, are these "male maids " really safe? What happens if just the sight of a vacuum cleaner, dust pan, mop, broom and "wipes " sets Strauss-Kahn off into an uncontrollable state of arousal....Will he try to seduce, attack, fondle or God forbid expose himself to the all-male "he maids" ? Now that would be fun...How would they respond? Would his bail be revoked? Would they have to bring in neutered , genderless maids ? Or worse yet, "robot maids " like in the "Jetsons"....
I say the heck with it, just let him clean up for himself....Stay tuned for another chapter of "Dominique Strauss-Kahn meets the all-male Vacuum Cleaners ".
Good night and happy sweeping.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Heat-Mavs, Game 5, Should be a Beaut, Hope I can stay up.

On the day's the "Finals " have been played , I get up thinking about the games, planning my day around the game, buying my favorite food , making deals with my wife so I can try to watch the game undisturbed and even drinking "black ice coffee " to give me extra stamina. I'm fine for the first half, by the end of the third quarter I'm getting tired and by the last 5 minutes of the 4th quarter it's a monumental struggle to stay awake....I know, I know, easier said than done!
But tonight wil be different; Game 5, Thursday night, high drama...97 degrees out..I can do it, I can do it....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Congressman Weiner, Do like Governor Spitzer did, Resign and In 3 Years You'll Have Your Own TV Show on CNN!

First of all Congressman Weiner(If you change the "e and i around in his last name it's WIENER), you need "Tweeting Lessons". I think it's fair to say that one wrong push of the keyboard "blew up your life , family, marriage and political career " . Don't be in such a rush next time(lol). Secondly, I saw the pictures in the Post, I think you actually hurt your chances with these ladies by showing off your body and briefs(not legal briefs of course ).
Look, "Anthony" you can't stem the tide regarding your resignation. You're a "big boy"(well not actually that big !), just take it on the chin , resign and start your stint in the penalty box . Like hockey, 3 years for "high sticking ". Good news for you is that this is America, and comebacks for the disgraced are not only fashionable, but encouraged. Get a job on Wall Street specializing in "insider trading", and before you know it you'll be back in politics running for class parent in your kid's 6th grade class.
As I recently told John Edwards, you had it all! You have no one to blame but yourself and "your little friend below your waist!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Will the Real Three Stooges, Strauss-Kahn, "Arnold " and Anthony Weiner ,Please Stand up!

I want to personally thank Strauss-Kahn(of IMF fame), Governor Arnold and now Anthony Weiner for giving me such material for my blog. Wow! Strauss-Kahn allegedly sexually attacking a maid at a hotel, Arnold fathering a baby out of wedlock while still Governor and now Anthony Weiner(Mayoral hopeful) married man sending pictures of himself in his underwear via the internet to I believe a college student in Seattle . Three "bone " heads...Bone being the key word here.
I guess power breeds stupidity , not to mention horniness, carelessness, selflessness and arrogance...Well ,you get the picture . I don't know...I'm no prude, but with marriage and decency, you're in or out I don't give a "f__k " who you you are ! You can't be in half-way.
Well, now Strauss-Kahn is facing 20 years, Arnold's divorce will cost him $200 million and he's now a joke and Anthony Weiner is just a "plain-old horndog" who ruined his family and political career..
And all for what? That moment of instant gratification...
Shame , shame , shame on you 3!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

John Edwards; The Free Fall from Stature Continues....

Never , ever get "too full of yourself", because as many have harshly learned those "on top of the world " are sometimes one mis-step from a "free fall" to the bottom. We have seen it on Wall Street, in religious circles, in politics, show business, sports and almost every sector of life . Here today, gone tommorrow.
Well, John Edwards' fall strikes me as an exceptional decline, in large part because of the respect he had from so many and his striking accomplishments professionally. Edwards was a renowned plaintiff's trial lawyer in North Carolina . He was feared by defense attorneys and insurance companies alike due to his oratorical skill, his good looks , old style southern charm in front of a jury and his "pit bull perseverence" and his unwavering will to win and fear of losing. He amassed a small fortune through his verdicts and settlements. He later went on to become a United States Senator.
But with all his successes , he suffered plenty of grief and heartache . He lost his son in 1996. His wife endured a long, grueling and debilitating bout with cancer. He appeared from a public eye to stand firmly behind her and their bout against the devastating disease.
So where did things start to unravel for him? The affair, the denial, the lies...the coverup. Hush $, living expenses for the mother and child . Secrecy...still he had presidential aspirations and was involved in the fight of his life.
How could it all happen? My opinion? Edwards, despite all his successes was lonely for intimacy, companionship and a relationship. What a terrible time for him not to be able to control his urges. Was he in love, lust...who knows. It's irrelevant now . His wife of so many years has since passed away. His reputation has been tarnished forever.
Could things get worse? Well yesterday they just did ! Edwards was indicted under a novel application of the Federal Election Law . The Feds say he used $ from benefactors to cover up his affair which served to aid his campaign...Thus the alleged violation of the Federal Election Law.
He has plead not guilty, hired heavywieght defense lawyer Greg Craig and (with his daughter at his side ) has vowed to fight this. Going to be an interesting proceeding.
Hey let's face with. Now,Edwards only has his children, law license(plenty of $) and pride left...Oh yes, and for now his freedom to fight for.
John, you did it to yourself...Not a lot of sympathizers out there!

Friday, June 3, 2011

NBA Playoffs; Call off the Funeral, Dallas not Dead....But actually very much Alive!

Isn't pro basketball amazing ? After game one of the finals(an 8 point Heat win at home) people were already crowning Lebron James the King and writing The Mavs obituary. Based on one stinkin game !
Well game 2 in Miami last night was a totally different story. Great game, great finish! Nowitski came thru big time in the clutch. Dallas showed they belong there...we now know that for sure. They seemed to want it a bit more, outrebounding and out-scrapping the Heat . Chandler was a "beast off the glass". Kidd played with poise...and they shot 48% from the field as compared to 38% in game one.
So all of a sudden the Mavs have stolen a game, home court advantage and you know what...More great basketball to come in June. Don't want to see it end!
Sunday game 3...See u then.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rosalyn Yalow, What a Physicist, What a Woman!

Rosalyn Yalow, the second woman to earn a Nobel Prize in Medicine passed away at age 89. Dr. Yalow who held her doctorate in nuclear physics was a product of the New York City School System. In the 1950's she became the co-discoverer of the "radioimmunoassay ", which redefined the way to measure insulin and other hormones in the blood . She was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1972 and had a storied career.
But things weren't always 'peaches and cream " for her. After grauating magna cum laude from Hunter College at age 19 she applied to Purdue University for a graduate assistantship. Purdue wrote back to her ", She is from New York. She is Jewish.She is a woman "......
Yes she was! But she persevered, and job after job, position after position, she finally received her doctorate in 1945. The number of lives her discoveries saved and prolonged are countless. Her desire was unmatched .
This Jewish woman from New York would just not take no for an answer!
May she rest in peace. God Bless.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Madoff Circus Revisited; Trustee Must be Licking his Chops on Wilpon Sale to Einhorn.

Well, you have to give Fred Wilpon some credit. He has been pounded without mercy for months by the fans and media alike over his role in the Madoff craziness(plus his finances), has stuck to the business at hand, has said some "stupid things ", has put a respectable product on the field and now , recognizing the legal and financial issues he is staring in the face...he is prepared to unload a one -third ownership interest in the Mets for "something in the neighborhood " of $200 million to a local hedge fund manager.
My gut feeling; That $200 million plus another $200 million (Total $400 million) goes to the Trustee to resolve all Madoff claims .
Hey, "at the end of the day" the Trustee is satisfied, a lot of victims get some relief, and the Wilpon's and Mets survive!
Your thoughts?