Friday, June 29, 2012

US Supreme Court , Justice Roberts, I Didn't Think You Had It In You!

If you live on planet Earth, you heard that the US Supreme Court upheld "ObamaCare " 5-4. Huge, huge win for Obama and the Democrats . Of course, almost as big as the news of the decision, was the fact that Chief Justice Roberts in a Landmark decision voted with the liberal members of the Court to form a majority . Shocker in fact!
It's almost " old hat " during confirmation hearings" that the nominated Judge will answer" I will not vote along ideological or party lines ", if I'm chosen to sit on the Court"! Then lo and behold what happens? They vote along ideological lines anyway. Surprise, surprise .
So keeping this all in perspective, Roberts' vote on ObamaCare was even more historic. And his reasoning was brilliant. There's an old adage, if a Judge or Jury likes a particular party or the case itself , they will find a way to hold in that party's favor. That's exactly what happened here . Robert's did not want his Court to be remembered for striking down a historic social reform in an "election year", so he found a way to uphold the law. He reasoned that the law imposed a (Not constitutionality per se)
permissible tax(backed into decision) and the rest is history.
While no one knows how the new law will play out, we do know one thing the " Supreme Court(Oz) has spoken.

Supreme Court analyst Steve "Harlan" Goldman reporting.

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