Friday, June 15, 2012

Rajat Gupta; Wow, He's Got Effectively His Whole Life Riding on Deliberations!

Jury is back deliberating today. Day 2! Gupta , formerly a globally respected "insider" , who is very wealthy, wife , kids, friends, big home in Connecticut is in an "all or nothing situation ". Remember, he's 63 years old.
If he's convicted, he's going away for at least 5 yrs....Possibly more . May be some forfeiture concerns as well. He would be imprisioned, disgraced and close to 70 when he comes out. Valuable time for anyone , especially when you reach his age .
If he's acquitted, "life will be good". He'll do philanthropic work, dabble in Wall Street, play golf, travel , watch his grandchildren grow up and will be free to visit Raj Rajaratnaram in jail. So will the jury convict him on a lot of " circumstantial evidence " ? Interesting case.
My vote yes. We'll know soon enough.

Wall Street analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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