Monday, June 18, 2012

Clemens Jury Deliberating, Will Clemens Be Remembered For His Time in Pinstripes or "Another Kind Of Stripes"?

I can guarantee you Roger Clemens has been humbled ! The seven time Cy Young Award Winner . "Roger the Rocket ! Athlete of "Rock Star " status. 100 mile an hour fastball. World Series winner. Earned well over a $ 100 million. Even had a special contract with the Yanks where he was able to go home on "off-days " and watch his sons play. 350 wins....Should I go on?
But with the case now in the jurors' hands , not even the greatest brushback pitches ever can help or save him. His fate is 1000 % in those 12 citizens' hands . Right now, Roger is thinking about acquittal. The Hall of Fame. Conviction, shame, disgrace, prision time and "familial strife" . It will never be the same if convicted and then having the conviction affirmed on appeal! It would be Roger with a new number:#78654368978. Well you get the point .
So as these 12 jurors go through the testimony and the admitted evidence ,Roger can only keep his chin up ,his happy face on and pray ! I'm going on record right here and now ...Clemens will be acquitted on all counts. McNamee is a sleezebag, and Petite's testimony just didn't make the cut . To convict , the jurors would have to reason that McNamee , an admitted liar, cheater, sleeze testified truthfully and they are convinced "beyond a reasonable doubt ".Key words, "reasonable doubt"!
Well it won't be long now .
Legal analyst Steve "Jurisprudence " Goldman reporting.

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