Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sandusky Trial; Jury Selection Starting Today, Going to Be Very, Very Interesting Trial!

Can you imagine the efforts that the Court and attorneys will have to undertake to select a "truly fair and impartial Jury "? Yikes. First of all , the trial is taking place in Penn State's backyard. Unless you've been living on the International Space Station for the past year or so , you've heard all the lurid details of the "Sandusky Child Molestation Scandal" . You couldn't avoid it.
Penn State Football is the" end all" in this neck of the woods . Paterno and Sandusky are household names. Everyone saw Sandusky's TV interview ! I don't think there is a person on this planet who doesn't have a strong opinion on " child molesters ". Who hasn't heard the Penn State assistant coach's description of the shower scene? And it goes on and on ! Both sides better dig down during jury selection, because this case , perhaps more than most ,will be won or lost there.
Is it possible in a case like this to impanel a fair and impartial jury? Honestly, I doubt it . But , the individuals who say the right things and respond appropriately during questioning will eventually be seated on this case. Right, wrong or indifferent.
Ok, counsel. Time to earn your fees! Good luck.
This is a perfect case for the legendary Gerry Spence to defend!

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