Thursday, June 14, 2012

Edwards; Smart Choice, US Attorneys Office Decides To Leave "Bad Enough " Alone!

Almost anyone following the Edwards trial would have told you it was inevitable...The Government couldn't justify retrying Edwards with the legal and factual problems they would face on a retrial. Tough enough to get a conviction. But perhaps a bigger problem loomed. Would an Appellate Court ever let them hold onto it ? That was the "$64000 " question.
After coming to the realization that this was a dead end prosecution, the Government had to merely decide the best way to drop charges. Procrastinate? Drag things out ? Keep their game face on?
Well , at the end of the day they " cut bait " quickly and decisively. Charges dropped ! Edwards free to practice law! Another "black eye " for the Public Integrity Division. For Edwards, he's been through the worst, he's healthy and only 58 and remarkably still has a lot going for him...Including his license to practice law.
All I can say is...."It's comeback time!'
Legal analyst Steve 'Tell it Like it Is " Goldman reporting.

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