Monday, June 25, 2012

Sandusky Aftermath: He's Going To Get Either 500 Years or Life In a Psych Hospital!

It's over! A relief to all. Actually, in my opinion an anticlimatic verdict , almost overshadowed by the revelation that Sandusky sexually violated his adopted son too! Holy sh_t! It seems like almost everyone in "Happy (Unhappy ) Valley " knew about Sandusky's propensities, but for one reason or another did nothing to stop him . Oh yeah, I forgot...The allmighty Penn State Football Program needed him. That''s the sick reality.
So Sandusky will be psychologically evaluated(He's normal right) , will be sentenced and forgotten .
I bet you never would have thought this, or believed this...But he's more of a monster than Bernie Madoff .
May he rot in his cell. Penn State and your army of insurance companies, start writing the checks to these young men!
Legal analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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