Monday, June 11, 2012

NBA Final: Sorry to Say It, I'm Picking Heat in 7!

I know that the fashionable thing this post-season has been to be a " Heat Hater ". I'll confess ...I'm as guilty as the next guy. I rooted against Lebron and Wade in every series. I pulled especially hard for the Celts in the last series!
So here we are in the "finals". Great anticipation, great expectations (not Charles Dickens u nimwit), great matchups, Durant vs. Lebron , young studs vs. The Big 3 . Who will win their first title first? Lebron or Durant ? Wow! Hope I can stay up....Those 9 o'clock starts are tough stuff .
I'm not going to bore you with "x's and o's , or analyze matchups . Plenty of so-called experts to do that. I'm just going to make a prediction and then explain. Pure and simple.
Heat in 7! Yes I said it. Here's why . I honestly believe in the Boston series they learned how to win, how to survive and how to close out games(game 6 and 7). Once you learn that, couple it with confidence, talent and the taste for the championship....You're there!
Going to be a great final. Dog fight. Maybe different heroes every night . In the end though, Lebron gets the monkey off his back this year.

Make sure you pick up extra 5 hr energy drinks.

Steve "Van Gundy " Goldman reporting.

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