Saturday, June 2, 2012

Edwards Verdict...As The Dust Clears!

The day after a big verdict, win or lose is always a time for reflection . When I was trying a lot of cases , after a verdict I would always immerse myself right back into work . Usually, because being on trial put you so far behind on the rest of your practice .
So what are the participants feeling or thinking now ? Edwards is obviously elated . He's a free man. Not guilty on one major count. He withstood the barrage by all the King's horses and all the King's men. Went toe to toe with Uncle Sam .
He probably is also somewhat relieved that all the " dirty laundry " was aired , so it will not be a shock to his family and supporters if there is a re-trial. Of course, the element of uncertainty can be a killer. Can Edwards try to go back to his practice of law, familiy life, rebuild his reputation ....all with the possible decision to retry him looming overhead like a dark storm cloud? Guess what? He has no choice!
The US Attorneys Office suffered another humiliating defeat! They might be kicking themselves for even attempting to prosecute such a novel case(with a very complex statute) out of outrage and emotion . They're certainly licking their wounds now! Will they retry? My prediction ? No! Without the luxury of having the "donors"(Bunny Melon and Fred Baron) to testify, if may very well be an exercise in futility. We shall see .
The Judge. She did an excellent job. Only Appellate Review can really determine if her instructions to the Jury were proper. Will either side address the soundness of the charge? More money for the lawyers. In any event, nobody will be in a rush to retry this case anytime soon. Probably 16-18 months by the time all is said and done.
The Jurors. Relieved to be done .Now enjoying their "time in the sun" appearing on Good Morning America et al.Some may write books...Or may be doing so already. They certainly are now a part of history! Good job...Nine days of deliberations!
Let's not for forget Edwards' defense team. All I can say is awesome job !
And finally the protagonist here, Rielle Hunter. Yes, her tell all book coming out June 26th. Did someone say 7 figure advance? She must have been quite skilled at something to have former Senator Edwards, "lay " it all on the line for her. Hmmm.
Somehow this case has the feel of a mini-OJ saga. Stay tuned!

Legal analyst Steve "Scoop ' Goldman reporting.

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