Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sandusky Trial; Doesn't Matter If You Believe Accusers or Not, He Was Dead Meat From the Outset!

Look , I can't tell you one way or the other whether the Prosecution presented a strong case in chief or whether the the Defense did a competent job cross-examining the "accusers". Because let's face it, the case could only really have been defended to "a level of acquittal" if each and every accuser were not only discredited on cross but also by a independent source. Only one who could refute the allegations actually was and is Sandusky!
For there to have been any chance of acquittal, the jurors would have to conclude that every accuser is lying and this was one big conspiracy to convict Sandusky and facilitate millions of dollars in civil payments. Just too wild to possibly believe . The reality is , even if there were "fabricated claims" they still would be impossible to defend. Strength in numbers, similar to the "Priest Sex Abuse Cases".
So at the end of the day, the defense kinda through up the " I loved the kids, showered with them, but nothing inappropriate happened defense "! Doomed from the start. No chance.
So did he do all these terrible things? Was he a monster? Serial sexual predator ? I don't know, neither do you.
But it doesn't matter, he was "dead meat " from the beginning. If he did it, he deserves "life without parole". Penn State University was the facilitator here!
Next stop, civil suits!

Steve Goldman reporting.

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