Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Yes it's time for another installment of Goldman War Stories; Did you ever seize a plane to satisfy an arbitration award?

Several years ago we had an aviation case in Federal Court against El Al Airlines. After completing discovery we were referred to binding arbitration. We litigated the matter and we received an award in the plaintiff's favor. Thereafter the award was served without objection.
Well, no payment was received. Followup letters by certified mail were sent ; still no payment. We then converted the award to a judgment, filed it and served it. Still no payment. We finally had enough!
On a Friday afternoon when an El Al Flight was scheduled to land at JFK, we alerted the Federal Marshal's Office who were prepared to seize the plane[a jumbo jet]. A phone call was made to El Al...and miraculously within an hour a full settlment check was delivered!
Moral of the Story: Do whatever you have to do to make payroll!

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