Monday, February 7, 2011

Goldman War Stories; Did you ever have a 15/30 policy turn into $5 million single limit?

On a rainy Sunday night several years ago 6 members of a church were heading home from a weekend retreat in a church owned van from somewhere down south. The driver of the van, a church elder, fell asleep at the wheel and the van veered off the road and struck an embankment.
The injuries were devastating. Loss of an eye, fractured hip with surgery, a below the elbow amputation and a myriad of other injury. We signed the cases up in Cooper Hospital in South Jersey and filed suit in Supreme Kings the next day.
Shortly thereafter, we received a letter from Zurich Insurance Company advising us that the vehicle was insured with a $15,000/$30,000 policy. What a bummer! All we could do was pray for excess coverage or an umbrella policy...not very likely.
Believe it or not, several weeks later "an amended coverage letter" arrived. You guessed it, there was in fact a $5 million single limit policy! Wow, whatta break! I continued to press the case as hard as I could(with renewed vigor)...and one afternoon I received a letter from the carrier asking me to attend a settlement meeting "after work" at a hotel in White Plains. At that point I knew it was all over......... and yes, the rest is history.

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