Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Family Feud; The Wilpon's meet the Madoffs...The Sequel.

So how many of you read the article in the New York Times today about the Wilpon's and Bernie Madoff . The angle which adds some interest to the story is the Mets. sports and "big business " all mixed together . Are we supposed to be shocked because Fred Wilpon and Saul Katz conducted business and socialized with Bernie Madoff? I'm not for one.
But to me it seems absurd that Madoff would give Wilpon and Company better returns, more profit and further that he supposedly tipped them off to trouble...Why? Because they gave him a"Madoff Mets Jacket" ? Not likely. In fact , there was a waiting list of less sophisticated investors lined up to give Madoff their life savings...
So what's really going on here? Your thoughts....

At the end of the day will it cost the Wilpon's the Mets franchise? Remember, if you play with fire you can actually get burned!

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