Saturday, February 5, 2011

Surrogates Court Approval; Funding available.

Over the last six weeks I have received an abundance of calls on behalf of attorneys and clients alike seeking "funding advances" on settled cases awaiting Surrogates Court approval. The short answer is "yes", of course we can provide funding. In lieu of an executed release we'll accept a confirmation from a carrier by letter , from defense counsel or the minutes where the settlement was placed on the record in "open Court". Any of these will suffice.
As we all are very aware each Surrogate Court will have have varying delays in issuing the ultimate decree; Surrogates Queens County and Nassau usually the longest. Delays can be up to one year...I've seen even longer.Yikes!
So if you've settled a case which requires a " death compromise" and you're in need of some funds to tide you over....You've found the right man for the job!

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