Wednesday, February 23, 2011

U.S. Courts should bud out of Chevron Case in Ecuador.

Are our Courts the " world's policemen ", yes or no ? First , the Second Circuit says cases under The Alien Tort Act cannot be brought in U.S. Courts.....Big mistake!
Then before you can say "let's interfere " Judge Kaplan is getting involved in the Ecuadorian case[Chevron Matter] directing discovery and now I understand enjoining and restraining any efforts or attempts to enter judgment against Chevron in the U.S. and/or to enforce any judgments arising from the pollution case in Ecuador here.
Give me a break! ...Chevron pollutes a Country for 26 years, gets sued in Ecuador, is found liable by an Ecuadorian Court to the tune of $8 billion and now Judge Kaplan wants to be involved.

What a travesty?

Your thoughts?

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