Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Did you read The New York Times today? It would be foolish to limit Medical Malpractice Suits.

Every time I see another state or the Federal Government seeking to impose further limitations on medical malpractice litigation, I simply cringe. Have doctors and the health care lobby really done that great of a job in brainwashing legislators ? The argument that has been put forth by medical professionals is that there is a lot of meritless litigation. Well you could say that about any type of litigation. The facts are that thousands of deaths, disfigurements, brain damage and other life altering injuries are caused by doctor, nursing and hospial malpractice.
To water the system down further would be a"grave injustice" to those individuals who have suffered debilitating conditions caused by medical malpractice.
Hey, if you asked all doctors whether all medical malpractice suits should be abolished, the overwhelming response would be yes! Besides providing just compensation to the victims of medical professionals, medical malpractice lawsuits serve as a type of "checks and balances" on the medical profession.
To further mess with these types of cases would be a disgrace and a mockery of the greatest legal system in the world.

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