Friday, February 25, 2011

Bermudez vs. The City of New York; How much is 18 years of your life in Prision worth?

In 1992 Mr. Bermudez was convicted of a murder in Greenwich Village. No forensic evidence tied him to the crime and moreover one year after the accident five (5) prosecution witnesses recanted their testimony. But from 1993 to 2010 the D.A. did nothing while Mr. Bermudez rotted in prision. How many other horror stories like this are lurking out there?
The amazing thing is that Justice Cataldo actually found "clear and convincing evidence to establish Mr. Bermudez's innocence"! Wow!
So what is fair and adequate compensation for someone who spends the prime of their life in prision, 25 % of their life behind bars for something they didn't do?
Is the case worth, $5 million, $10 million , $20 million? Who knows...But I do know one thing, the City will "pay through the nose " on this one and rightfully so.
Good luck Mr. Bermudez.

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