Sunday, October 28, 2012

Gupta Gets Two Years On Insider Trading Conviction, Did He Get Off Easy?

 So Gupta gets 2 years in the joint for his role  in the Wall Street Insider Trading Scandal. Did he get off easy? The way I look at it is " that  it takes two to tango "! In  most "insider trading  prosecutions", there is a "tipper " and  "tippee". Each party needs the other. Without the "tipper's " non-public  information, the greedy 'tippee "  has no  unfair  advantage  in trading on a particular  stock.
   So  how can we rationalize Gupta getting just two years and Raj  Rajatnaram  being sentenced  to  11 years in Federal  Prision ? Is it because Raj R was sleazier, greedier and made more money? Or because Gupta, the  former Goldman Sachs Director was basically a " nice guy"  who went bad . Was age a factor?  Are  "tippees  looked at  with more  disfavor than tippers ?
   We'll probably never really know the exact thinking of the presiding Judge . My opinion, Gupta's two years are a walk in the park.
   Remember, it takes two to tango!

   Wall  Street  analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

World Series 2012; Will The One Game Home Field Advantage Determined By The All-Star Game Mean Anything?

  Something most fans don't think about is  how the  National League's  victory in the All-Star Game  could ultimately influence who will  become the  World Champion . MLB  , to try to  lend some importance to the All-Star Game , declared that the League that wins it will get " home field " in the World Series . The National League , with an assist from a  " juiced up " , Melky Cabrera  won the  game...effectively giving the Giants "home field".     The two teams appear to be  pretty evenly  matched ...On paper anyway. So  will  the  home field advantage  affect  the outcome of the Series?  I  think it will . Your thoughts ?

   Will the outcome be tainted because  Melky  was ' juiced up " at that time ?  Play ball!

  Sports reporter  Steve  "Honus " Goldman  reporting.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Presidential Debate Tonight is Important , But Not Outcome Determinative!

Ok so we got Obama-Romney 3  tonight. Not  quite Ali-Frazier , but highly anticipated  and a lot at stake . Based on common  perception, Romney won the first debate  and Obama the second. Election is just two weeks away.
     If you read the most recent poll results today, Obama  has 271 Electoral Votes now...Enough to get him elected. But hey, we got about 75 Electoral Votes at stake in swing states, that could be influenced by tonight's performance. Will either candidate  take chances, go for broke ? Does  our President perceive an opportunity to deliver a "knockout punch"(or at least a knockdown) ? Will we see the same intensity or more ? Your thoughts?
   Tune in tonight. I'll  be channel-flipping  to Giants-Cards game 7, to be honest.

   Ding, ding. Let's get ready to rumbleeeeeeeeeee!


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Presidential Debates; As a Former Trial Lawyer I am Not Impressed With The Quality of Debating!

Let's  put things in  perspective  here. The first  debate  was a disaster  for  Obama. He was underprepared,  nervous and way too nice. The Vice-Presidential debate  had far more intensity to it. Then this  past  Tuesday, both Candidates  turned up the dial on   combativeness and quality of performance. I thought , because Obama kept  Romney on the defensive all night, that  he was  the  winner.
   But here's the thing . I  have been totally disappointed in the quality  of the debates. First of all there are only a certain number of  potential topics(economy, taxes, jobs), so each candidate should know every argument, fact, number and counterargument. On top of that, facts are facts. So when there is a disagreement on  what one candidate has said or done, the opposing party  should  be  ready to pounce(with dispositive proofs) on outright lies, misstatements, "flip-flopping", etc.
  It gets boring after a while  where each party repeats " I never said that". You either said it, or you didn't!Moreover, neither side has done a  very good job of "pre-debate fact checking". Very sloppy . And finally, come  up with some new arguments. The banter sounds like backround noise . And for God's sake Mr. President, when you have the chance to deliver a knockout punch(i.e. Bain Capital , 47%, Romney's taxes, tax shelters, no definitive  economic plan, out of step with the "middleclass "), throw the punch, don't backpedal. You're either in or your out!
   Ding, ding. Round 3 Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yanks; Call Me Crazy, But Yanks Can Get This Series to Game Six!

Things look beyond hopeless in Yankeeland! Tough to watch ,believe me. Has me counting the days to the NBA opener!  But stay with me for a second.  CC is on the hill tonight . He has been pitching excellent as of late , and my gut is he and  " good old fashion Yankee pride "  will  prevail tonight . Then we have Andy on the mound for game 5..Perhaps the best post-season pitcher over last 15-20 years 
   Lo and behold, it's game 6 and we're home, where anything can happen.  Let's see .
     Remember  " real  men " don't quit even with a collective team batting average of .158.  And Joe, I   expect to see Alex in the lineup tonight. Enough is enough!

Monday, October 15, 2012

DSK's Life As a Libertine Makes Elliot Spitzer Look Like a Prude!

 Let's lay (Bad choice of words) our cards on the table . DSK  loves sex, sex, sex!  Now  what's wrong with that  ? Most people when they can get it, love sex also .  More and more details are surfacing about  DSK's  Libertine lifestyle . Crazy stuff, right out of the movies(or Plato's retreat) . It seems that Mr. Strauss-Kahn  has basically attended lavish dinner parties, where everyone walks around  nude and eventually you have sex with multiple partners (Viagra fueled I would imagine) . I wonder if there is a "Virgin Sacrifice"?
   Seriously, you don't think every guy is jealous of the short, stout DSK (Did someone say 2 inches or less?)  and his sexual exploits ? Do you think he has the most career  shtups behind Wilt Chamberlain . Elliot Spitzer couldn't even get invited to one of these .  I  could see him at this party  in his boxers with a little logo , "Gov" on  his shirt  like Mel Brooks in Blazing saddles .
    So  what could you argue are his  problems here? Married, yes. Former "head " of the IMF ,yes. Possibly paying for sex?  Yes. Was sex safe? Who knows . At the end of the day , putting  all these issues behind(I couldn't help myself)  it sounds like he had a good ol time . Anthony Weiner, Elliot Spitzer  eat(sorry)  your hearts out .

  Steve  "Dr. Ruth " Goldman  reporting .

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Yanks, No Rest For The Weary, Back at It Tonight!

First round down, two more to go. On the heels of  the clutch pitching by CC and some timely hitting , the Bombers survived their 5 game series with the "Birds ". Just barely. Without A-Rod, without Mariano and without much hitting. Three or four guys were just as pitiful as A-Rod.
   So here we are, tonight at the Stadium against Verlander, Cabrera and Fielder. A fresh start for Alex and the Yanks. Slate wiped clean. Play ball!

  Steve "Cossell " Goldman reporting.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Yanks-Orioles, A Series For the Ages !

 I   love it, I love it!  Not that I'm not sweating  profusely.  Extra inning marathons on a nightly basis. Falling asleep in the 8th...Waking up in the 12th! The piching(or lack of hitting) has been sensational. Who will be the last man standing?
   Game 5, 5:07 tonight  .  CC on the mound. Be there or be square!  Let's go Yanks!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Girardi's Decision To Pinch Hit For A-Rod, Was One Gutsy Move!

Ibanez, Ibanez, Ibanez!  Need I say his name again?  Absolutely  breathtaking! High  drama in the Bronx again in October. And he just did this just  a  few weeks back  in September. So where should I start ? With the obvious , Ibanez tying  a Divisional Playoff Game in the ninth inning with a dramatic homer? Or his walkoff  in the 12th putting the Yanks up 2-1 in the series?
  To me , the move by Girardi  was pure genious and risky. Pinch-hitting in the 9th for a slumping of the greatest of all-time! Awesome !  Desperate  times, require desperate measures! Girardi and Ibanez..You guys rock!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ichiro's Slide(Actually 2 Great Evasive Maneuvers in One Play) Was One of The Most Athletic Plays I've Ever Seen in Baseball!

 I'm   watching baseball for over 40 years now . Actually, I  remember watching  the Red Sox-Cards World Series in 1967 as a young kid. Anyway, the point here is I've  watched  a lot of baseball. Glued to the set for the post-season! Probably the most exciting play in baseball(and most dangerous)  is the "play at the plate". It's magnified in a big game or of course in a big situation.
   Well  last night , score 0-0, Ichiro tries to score on Cano's double in the right field corner. Fastest guy on the Yanks, right?  Problem is he's  30 feet from the plate with the  ball already in the catcher's glove.What  he did next, was super-human. He avoids the tag on the third base side of the plate, lands  on the first base side of home, spins and flips , touches home and scores! Unreal...Like catching a "water bug "!  The Orioles' catcher was in a state of shock. " Did I  really miss him" ?   Like a critter in the night.
     They showed it over and over again. Each time I , plus millions more had to be amazed.

 Yes, I said it...The most athletic play in baseball history.  Your thoughts?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Miguel Cabrera, Hat's Off To Him, He Earned the Triple Crown!

The Triple Crown. Probably the toughest  accomplishment in all of  sports. You could argue it's the equivalent of leading the NBA in scoring, rebounding and assists . Amazing accomplishment; First since 1967. Will the MVP  award  follow? Of course, it will. No brainer, despite my sentimental choice of Derek Jeter.
   So congrats to Miguel!  Can the Tigers hop on his back now and go for  a post-season ride?

   Your thoughts?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Another Magical Finish To Baseball's Regular Season!

 Nothing could probably equal the final day of the 2011 season, but this finish has plenty of  high drama  of it's own. Here's  what we can look forward to tonight(Did anyone say "Debates");
1. Yanks-Baltimore one game apart . Yanks control their own destiny.
2. Texas -Oakland play for  Division title and of course,
3.Miguel Cabrera goes for the  First Triple Crown since Yaz in 1967 ! Wow!
   And don't forget , the playoffs  haven't even started yet!
  Enjoy, and drink your 5 Hour Energy Drink!

  Steve "Costas " Goldman reporting.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Presidential Debates, My Prediction...Obama In a Knockout!

Well, Wednesday is the  big day!  First  Presidential  Debate  for Obama and  Romney. Obama  has some  great momentum now...It seems like "every day is now a bad day " for Romney  and Company. Obama could  almost put  Romney away with a strong showing.While  Romney will need the greatest performance of his career coupled with  Obama falling  apart  in front of our very eyes to stay in the race.
   Here's why  Obama  will make a superior showing;
1. Has been there before;
2. Riding a wave of momentum, confidence way up;
3. Much more personable;
4.Romney just doesn't get it!
5.Obama thinks better on his feet;
6. Obama  has more "street smarts " and of course..

  See you Wednesday .

  Reporting  Steve  " Brinkley " Goldman.