Wednesday, October 24, 2012

World Series 2012; Will The One Game Home Field Advantage Determined By The All-Star Game Mean Anything?

  Something most fans don't think about is  how the  National League's  victory in the All-Star Game  could ultimately influence who will  become the  World Champion . MLB  , to try to  lend some importance to the All-Star Game , declared that the League that wins it will get " home field " in the World Series . The National League , with an assist from a  " juiced up " , Melky Cabrera  won the  game...effectively giving the Giants "home field".     The two teams appear to be  pretty evenly  matched ...On paper anyway. So  will  the  home field advantage  affect  the outcome of the Series?  I  think it will . Your thoughts ?

   Will the outcome be tainted because  Melky  was ' juiced up " at that time ?  Play ball!

  Sports reporter  Steve  "Honus " Goldman  reporting.

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