Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ichiro's Slide(Actually 2 Great Evasive Maneuvers in One Play) Was One of The Most Athletic Plays I've Ever Seen in Baseball!

 I'm   watching baseball for over 40 years now . Actually, I  remember watching  the Red Sox-Cards World Series in 1967 as a young kid. Anyway, the point here is I've  watched  a lot of baseball. Glued to the set for the post-season! Probably the most exciting play in baseball(and most dangerous)  is the "play at the plate". It's magnified in a big game or of course in a big situation.
   Well  last night , score 0-0, Ichiro tries to score on Cano's double in the right field corner. Fastest guy on the Yanks, right?  Problem is he's  30 feet from the plate with the  ball already in the catcher's glove.What  he did next, was super-human. He avoids the tag on the third base side of the plate, lands  on the first base side of home, spins and flips , touches home and scores! Unreal...Like catching a "water bug "!  The Orioles' catcher was in a state of shock. " Did I  really miss him" ?   Like a critter in the night.
     They showed it over and over again. Each time I , plus millions more had to be amazed.

 Yes, I said it...The most athletic play in baseball history.  Your thoughts?

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