Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yanks; Call Me Crazy, But Yanks Can Get This Series to Game Six!

Things look beyond hopeless in Yankeeland! Tough to watch ,believe me. Has me counting the days to the NBA opener!  But stay with me for a second.  CC is on the hill tonight . He has been pitching excellent as of late , and my gut is he and  " good old fashion Yankee pride "  will  prevail tonight . Then we have Andy on the mound for game 5..Perhaps the best post-season pitcher over last 15-20 years 
   Lo and behold, it's game 6 and we're home, where anything can happen.  Let's see .
     Remember  " real  men " don't quit even with a collective team batting average of .158.  And Joe, I   expect to see Alex in the lineup tonight. Enough is enough!

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