Thursday, October 18, 2012

Presidential Debates; As a Former Trial Lawyer I am Not Impressed With The Quality of Debating!

Let's  put things in  perspective  here. The first  debate  was a disaster  for  Obama. He was underprepared,  nervous and way too nice. The Vice-Presidential debate  had far more intensity to it. Then this  past  Tuesday, both Candidates  turned up the dial on   combativeness and quality of performance. I thought , because Obama kept  Romney on the defensive all night, that  he was  the  winner.
   But here's the thing . I  have been totally disappointed in the quality  of the debates. First of all there are only a certain number of  potential topics(economy, taxes, jobs), so each candidate should know every argument, fact, number and counterargument. On top of that, facts are facts. So when there is a disagreement on  what one candidate has said or done, the opposing party  should  be  ready to pounce(with dispositive proofs) on outright lies, misstatements, "flip-flopping", etc.
  It gets boring after a while  where each party repeats " I never said that". You either said it, or you didn't!Moreover, neither side has done a  very good job of "pre-debate fact checking". Very sloppy . And finally, come  up with some new arguments. The banter sounds like backround noise . And for God's sake Mr. President, when you have the chance to deliver a knockout punch(i.e. Bain Capital , 47%, Romney's taxes, tax shelters, no definitive  economic plan, out of step with the "middleclass "), throw the punch, don't backpedal. You're either in or your out!
   Ding, ding. Round 3 Tuesday!

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