Monday, October 1, 2012

Presidential Debates, My Prediction...Obama In a Knockout!

Well, Wednesday is the  big day!  First  Presidential  Debate  for Obama and  Romney. Obama  has some  great momentum now...It seems like "every day is now a bad day " for Romney  and Company. Obama could  almost put  Romney away with a strong showing.While  Romney will need the greatest performance of his career coupled with  Obama falling  apart  in front of our very eyes to stay in the race.
   Here's why  Obama  will make a superior showing;
1. Has been there before;
2. Riding a wave of momentum, confidence way up;
3. Much more personable;
4.Romney just doesn't get it!
5.Obama thinks better on his feet;
6. Obama  has more "street smarts " and of course..

  See you Wednesday .

  Reporting  Steve  " Brinkley " Goldman.

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