Sunday, October 28, 2012

Gupta Gets Two Years On Insider Trading Conviction, Did He Get Off Easy?

 So Gupta gets 2 years in the joint for his role  in the Wall Street Insider Trading Scandal. Did he get off easy? The way I look at it is " that  it takes two to tango "! In  most "insider trading  prosecutions", there is a "tipper " and  "tippee". Each party needs the other. Without the "tipper's " non-public  information, the greedy 'tippee "  has no  unfair  advantage  in trading on a particular  stock.
   So  how can we rationalize Gupta getting just two years and Raj  Rajatnaram  being sentenced  to  11 years in Federal  Prision ? Is it because Raj R was sleazier, greedier and made more money? Or because Gupta, the  former Goldman Sachs Director was basically a " nice guy"  who went bad . Was age a factor?  Are  "tippees  looked at  with more  disfavor than tippers ?
   We'll probably never really know the exact thinking of the presiding Judge . My opinion, Gupta's two years are a walk in the park.
   Remember, it takes two to tango!

   Wall  Street  analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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