Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Michael Phelps, " He Is The Champion, Of The World"(Queen)!

I gotta to tell you, the Olympics is a "Blogger's" dream. One great story after another ! Missy Franklin, Womans' Gymnastics, Beach Volleyball, Basketball and of course "Sir " Michael Phelps . He made history yesterday , and without hesitation he can now be called the"greatest Olympian "ever . Amazing! Yesterday he got a Gold and Silver(2 Silvers and a Gold in London) bringing his all-time total to 19. Not bad for a washed up champion.
I think he has some more events so we shall see if he hits 20....At this point, anything more would simply be gravy . He's established a record which will stand forever !

Michael, you're the greatest ever. Don't stop now !

Reporting Steve "XXX " Goldman.

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