Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I'm Sure Brooklyn Is Proud To Have Vito Lopez as It's Assemblyman!

Never a dull day in New York politics. A corruption scandal here, fraud, illegal use of public funds , ethics , conflict of interest and of course our favorite , "a sex scandal"! By the way what is Anthony Weiner doing now? Thank God we don't have Vito Lopez posing in his underwear!
So our latest politician to get caught up in a scandal is Vito Lopez. Yes the 71 year old politician. Allegations are that he sexually harassed , both verbally and via unwanted touching, two female staffers of his. And then to make things more interesting, Sheldon Silver authorized a " hush payment " of about $100,000 from "Assembly money" to these woman . Easy come(Don't be a pig) ,easy go.
And you know what? Our laws are so archaic that Lopez was simply stripped of a Chair position and ordered to attend a sexual harassment awareness course.(Not inter-, you ninny!) I wonder what aide(I mean accomplice ) will he send to sit in for him. Probably will be authorized by Sheldon Silver. The whole thing is a joke.
I can only hope that a "pit bull plaintiff's lawyer" gets retained , and we'll really have a fiasco on our hands. Could be very interesting.
For now, enjoy your Labor Day. The fun is only beginning!

Political correspondent Steve Goldman reporting.

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