Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just Because You Make the "Hall of Fame"(Hall of Shame in Some Cases ), Doesn't Necessarily Mean You're Honest!

Couldn't believe it . First reported on Friday, "Hall of Fame " College coach Jim Donnan is accused of being of being part of a "Ponzi Scheme " which allegedly bilked investors out of $80 million . Then yesterday, Hall of Fame Baseball player Eddie Murray(You know 500 homers and 3000 hits) agreed to settle S.E.C. charges of trading(buying stock) on inside information he allegedly received from a former Oriole teammate . Murray, reportedly will pay a fine of $385,000.
Look, obviously if proven, Donnan's actions are worse. But Murray apparently broke the law too. Both are misdeeds of greed. An argument can be made that Murray's actions had "no real victims", while Donnan might very well be no better than Madoff.
I can tell you this. Murray didn't need the money. Did Donnan ? I don't know. When it's all said and done, Donnan could be "going away" for quite some time. His possible "saving grace " might be" turning " on the Ohio businessman who may have been the mastermind of the scheme.
Can someone be kicked out of the Hall of Fame ? Pete Rose is 71 and could use the slot.

Sports reporter Steve "Skip " Goldman reporting.

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