Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Don't Look Now,Hiroki Kuroda 10-8 With a 3.24 ERA!

With all the Yankees injuries and starting pitching problems, one steady , reliable starting pitcher has stood out. Yes, believe it or not Hiroki Kuroda . Acquired by the Yanks in the off-season , Yank fans were cautiously optimistic about the move. After a slow start, NY fans were not happy campers.
Well, after injuries to Andy, Sabathia and uncertainty with Phil Hughes, Kuroda has become a "reliable starter", with what seems like a string of quality starts! Pitches tonight against Texas, and with a strong finish this season he could notch 15 wins with a low 3 ERA. Wow. More than even Brian Cashman could have expected.
So we're in mid-August and somehow the "Bronx Bombers " keep on trucking along . Nothing spectacular, but just about everyone they throw out there on the field seems to produce .

Only 6 weeks to Playoffs! Get healthy Andy and A-Rod soon.

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