Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Roger Clemens to Pitch in Minor Leagues on Saturday...But Roger, Why?

Roger, man o man get a life . You were acquitted by a D.C. jury. You have a great family. You're young ,healthy, have 7 Cy Youngs, some "rings" and presumably are worth a boatload($$). So what are you trying to prove? That a 50 year old former stud pitcher, who is "roid-free " can throw 87 mph and win in the minor leagues. Or do you just have too much time on your hands ?
God bless the minor league team who will put a lot of fannys in the stands. It will be a shortlived media frenzy..And who knows, maybe he'll be the oldest pitcher(Did someone say Satchel Paige?) to win a game in a long time. But this reminds me of Hearns, Leonard, Duran, Hagler, Frazier et al who just couldn't quit. It became sad, ugly and downright disgraceful after a while . Roger, don't do it.
Look, at the end of the day, who really knows Clemens' reasons for this stunt. I can tell you one thing , if you think it will increase your chances to make the "Hall of Fame", think again.
Just go ask Pete Rose who has wasted the last 25 years of his life.
Steve Goldman reporting.

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