Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hey, Don't Feel Sorry For Facebook Shareholders, With a Billion People Using Facebook ,The Stock Will See Better Days!

So when does upper management and it's shareholders at Facebook start to panic ? Hey, the stock "hit the Street " at $38 in May, peaked at $45 and closed today at $19 and change . Yikes!
"It's a fine mess you got me into O'llie"!
But seriously, it blows my mind to think that a company like Facebook, with nearly a "billion users" is not the darling of Wall Street. Why not? Was the stock overvalued at the time of the IPO? Is there a lack of trust in Zuckerberg? Are revenue expectations too high? Will they be able to maximize advertising income? Is there a perception of being stagnant? The questions go on and on .
I can tell you one thing , there are some pretty brilliant people running the company with top-notch consultants.
Here's my advice to Zuckerberg and company. Start running Facebook like a fu__in business. You're no longer in your dorm room at Harvard. Start making $ already. Push for the allmighty advertising dollar and batton down the hatches. Wall Street and "John Doe investor" want cash flow, growth and low debt .Give it to them.
If you want to be a publicly traded company, start acting like one . If not, buy up the stock and go private! Good luck.
Wall Street analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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