Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Missy Franklin 17 Years Old, Gets The Gold!

The Olympics are filled with unbelievable highs and heart-shattering lows! Winning a Gold, setting a World Record are fulfillments of a life of training. Likewise a defeat, a disqualification or tripping coming out of the starting blocks can be devastating . Nothing you can do about it!
One of top "feel good " moments of the London Olympics so far, took place yesterday when Missy Franklin, the 17 year old American won a Gold in the 100 meter backstroke in the fastest time ever. Yes, the fastest time ever. While most 17 year olds are finishing high school, taking the SAT's or getting ready for college she simply went out and cemented her place in history as the fastest female backstroker in the history of the World. Wow! Life will never be the same.
Hopefully, we'll have many more such moments to come.

Olympic beat witer Steve "Jim Thorpe " Goldman reporting.

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