Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A-Rod Fractures Left Hand, Another Yankee Down For The Count!

We get Sabathia back, Joba is close, Andy is coming along, and bang! A-Rod suffers a non-displaced fracture of his left hand . Could be out 5 weeks. Eric Chavez, a very competent third baseman will take over . Should do ok. Despite A-Rod's generally unproductive year, he has been hot as of late . Hitting the ball hard . He's usually a quick healer too.
So , if all goes well maybe we'll get him back by Labor Day. Give him 3-4 weeks to get back in game shape and ready himself for the post-season.
In the meantime, a little "silver lining ". Move Granderson to the 5 spot, and bat Ichiro 2nd behind Jeter. That would be exciting. Almost 6000 hits between them!

MLB analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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