Tuesday, July 17, 2012

James Dolan, Are You Fu__in Kidding Me? Not Signing Lin Would Be The Garden's Biggest Mistake Ever!

I'm beside myself . The pieces seemed to be falling into place. Mike Woodson assured us on numerous occasions that " Jeremy Lin is our starting point guard. You don't lose your spot when you're injured ". Kidd would mentor Lin and give them 20-25 minutes a game. Camby's our backup. More "Linsanity ". Looking forward to training camp.
So what do the "Garden Brass " (Garden "ass " is more like it ) do? They don't give Lin a contract , wait for other teams to court him and lo and fu__in behold he signs a three year deal with Houston and now it seems that the Knicks won't match the offer and Lin will be gone forever . We're talking about Jeremy Lin here. A guy who came out of nowhere to start 25 games, put up sick #'s and basically saved the Knicks season and electrified the NBA, America and the world! Markerting megastar, solid citizen...Can only get better . So what do the Knicks do? They go out and get a fat Raymond Felton . Oy vey.
The sticking point is now about the $14 million in year 3 of the contract and "Luxury Tax " ramifications . Lin will pay for himself 100 times over!
So here we are 24 hours away from the time to match the offer about to expire. No Lin still . If he's not signed, he'll always be known as the one who got away. And Carmelo be quiet, stop chiming in . Your comments are not welcome.
Somehow I hope a miracle happens and Lin stays.

If not , all I can say is "let's go Rock-ets"!

Steve "Hot Rod " Goldman reporting .

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