Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Knicks; Even if They Sign Kidd, Camby, Novak and Lin...Still Need a Shooting Guard!

Haven't enjoyed an NBA "offseason" as much as this year in a long, long time . The Knicks do a have a core of some very good players. I'm not concerned about Melo, but in all honesty my biggest question mark is reserved for Amare. Here's a guy who 2 years ago was one of the five most dominant offensive guys in the league until the Melo trade. Last season, injuries, out of shape, the lockout, personal issues, lost his hop, looked lost...Simply a shell of his old self! Sad. Hope he bounces back..My gut is that he will.
So we have Chandler in the middle. Amare at the 4. Melo at small forward and a Lin/Kidd 2 headed monster at the point. Nice nucleus, but we're one integral part short . A shooting guard who can drain open shots and create his own shots. Need 14-15 points every night from that spot. I like Landry fields a lot..Think he will be a good player for a long time in this league . Nice, surprising offer from Toronto. Hey, he's now a millionaire over night . Good for him. But I don't think he's the answer. Need a guy like Anthony Parker of the Cavs. Who's available and affordable out there?
Your thoughts?

NBA analyst Steve " Hops" Goldman reporting.

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