Friday, July 13, 2012

Paterno Has No Legacy as Far As I'm Concerned...Tear Down All Paterno Monuments..Rename The Library......

Yesterday was another bad day for Penn state, it's hierarchy and what remains of Joe Paterno's reputation. The Freeh Report confirmed what everyone had believed since last October. Yes, there was a massive coverup . Penn State and it's " decision-makers " concealed. covered -up, enabled, permitted, turned a blind eye and were huge facilitators of Jerry "The Monster" Sandusky's 15 year rampage . " Like a kid in a candystore "! Shame , shame a million times over !
Now if this "stomach-turning" chain of events doesn't put big time college sports into perspective for you, then you better check your pulse! Sports are great! Part of the University culture. Exhilirating at times . Tailgating , frat parties. Alumni in their docksiders and striped pants . Football at Penn State was everything. Transcended every aspect of College life for generations. A matter of pride ...Remember the name "Happy Valley"? Now, you mean "unhappy gully".
And Joe Paterno was God! At Penn State, nationally, universally . Wore "PSU" on his chest .Bled Penn State blood. Raised money, donated $, won football games...An awful lot of them . As long as he won, his life, influence, Penn State pride and his future legacy swelled . 61 years there. A lifetime!
But all that good(and there is a lot of it ) is wiped out by this massive coverup, concealment and most blatantly his placing the importance of his beloved "football program" over the health, safety and welfare of human beings; kids for that matter. He condoned the behavior of a sexual predator right there in his building.
Joe, you let these kids down, their families, the University , yourself and all of "Happy Valley". You were a coward. You were selfish . You knew ,but did nothing. You gave the fox the key to the hen house! Disgusting!
As far as I'm concerned you're a loser. I'm sorry Joe. Football is not more important than life.You and your cronies obviously didn't believe that at PSU.
Reporting college football analyst Steve "Pigskin" Goldman .

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